All sounds contained in this kit are Master Clearance Guaranteed. NO sample clearing hassles at all. If you place a record on a MAJOR LABEL using the sample(s), you will split the publishing, royalties, mechanicals, points and advance fees with OBSCUR8 producers fairly and Production (or Co-Production) must be credited to OBSCUR8 or the individual producers involved.

For associated negotiations CONTACT info@obscur8.com and/or 202-499-6221.

If the sample(s) are used on any NON MAJOR LABEL platforms, you can do anything you'd like with them (upload to Soundcloud, sell the beat(s) to independent artist, beat-tapes, etc.).

For projects released commercially, you are required to list “Obscur8” in the production credits.

No sounds in this folder are to be repackaged and/or resold without authorization from Obscur8.

Feel free to send us music, soundtracks and experiments you’ve created while using this kit (info@obscur8.com).

Please send any feedback, issues and/or suggestions to: info@obscur8.com 

Sounds, Samples, Drum Kits, Custom Production and Mixing: http://www.OBSCUR8.COM


Follow OBSCUR8:

@obscur8 (IG)

@_obscur8_ (Twitter)

Obscur8 (Soundcloud)

Obscur8 (YouTube)